Dr Randal McRoberts



Consultant in Emergency Medicine, NHS Lothian.

Consultant in Prehospital & Retrieval Medicine, EMRS Scotland.

Lead for Major Incident Planning.

Randal has worked in Lothian since 2001 and in addition to Emergency Medicine has a special interest in Pre-Hospital and Remote Medical Care. He combines the disciplines through his work in Lothian Emergency Medicine & Medic-1 and also via his additional work with the Emergency Medical Retrieval Service (EMRS) based in Glasgow. He has previously worked as a rural GP in Scotland and was an Antarctic research station Doctor for 2 years with the British Antarctic Survey.

Outside of work, Randal can either be found in Utah on his beloved telemark skis or deep in Scotland’s mountains his mountain bike. Kitesurfing, in Tiree or in slightly warmer waters off Morocco, is the cause of his favourite proclamation of delight  - “yeeeeeeehaaaaaaa!!!!”.

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