Dr Andrew Stevenson





Consultant in Emergency Medicine, NHS Lothian.

Andy was born and raised in Fife. He studied medicine at Glasgow University, graduating in 2002. After graduation, Andy made the short journey to Edinburgh to take up a pre-registration house officer post at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. This initial post comprised of orthopaedics, psychiatry and medicine and it was this initial exposure to acute medicine which shaped his future choice to work at the ‘front door’ of the hospital.

Andy’s career then progressed through a number of medical specialities and a short stint in neurosurgery before dipping his toes in the murky pool that is Emergency Medicine. Enjoying this first exposure to the unpredictable and interesting world of the emergency department Andy took up a training post in 2008.

Completing this training in 2012 he was appointed to a substantive post at St John’s hospital in 2013.

Andy has an interest in medical education and service development. He is essentially a geek and enjoys appropriately geeky things (computers, films and history).

He has a wife, two sons and two cats. He avoids exercise and likes wine.

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